If you've got photos, information, interviews, or anything else you want to contribute to the Archive, we'd love to see it! Any contributions are most welcome, and if you like, we can credit you by name.
The Bootsauce Archive knows we may be prone to error. In the pursuit of making a reliable and welcome database, we welcome any amendments to our archived information. Just let us know if there's anything we can fix up!
You can send anything Bootsauce-related to bootsaucearchive@outlook.com!
This website is managed by Rose. I'm a writer in Saskatchewan and have been a Bootsauce fan since the summer of 2013. When I was first getting into the band, I ran into a dearth of information, which is surprising for a group that was once so popular and influential in Canada. I hope for the Bootsauce Archive to be a thorough, accessible resource for fans old and new.
Copyright 2019 Piscean Entertainment in text, illustration, and site design. All lyrics and photographs copyright Bootsauce and Vertigo/Polygram unless otherwise indicated. Images and lyrics are reproduced here for non-profit informational purposes and are considered fair use. All rights reserved.