Rollercoaster's Child
Written by Bootsauce, from Bull, 1992. The chorus comes from "Love Rollercoaster" by Ohio Players, which was originally written and composed by William Beck, Leroy Bonner, Marshall Jones, Ralph Middlebrooks, Marvin Pierce, Clarence Satchell, and James Williams.
Ow, oh yeah
Up, my body's gonna bring you up
Faster than a rollercoaster
That's right, gonna make you scream
We're going 'round town, baby, all right
Gonna drive you like I really oughta
Oh yeah, gonna make you cream
Rollercoaster of love
Rollercoaster of love
Hoo hoo hoo (cha) (x 2)
Down, no lover's gonna bring me down
Farther than a lover oughta
That's right, I'm on the scene
You'd better slow down, baby, all right
Wanna drink you like a glass of water
That's right, you're really smooth
(Sample C: If you can speak with them, way too late...)
You don't make me feel all right
Don't make me feel misunderstood
Don't make me look inside you
Rollercoaster of love
Rollercoaster of love
Hoo hoo hoo (cha) (x 2)
(Ling, through vocoder) You're rollercoaster's child, your love is really wild!
Na na na na na, na na na na na (x 2)
Slide, nobody ever made me slide
Slicker than a sister oughta
That's right, you're ought of hand
You're gonna ride me, baby, all right
Faster than a rollercoaster
Oh yeah, like I know you can
Your love is hot
The rollercoaster's rolling, baby
I want you to ride (x 4)
(Conchetta) All right now! Love coaster!
Rollercoaster of love
Rollercoaster of love
Hoo hoo hoo (cha) (x 4)
- The liner booklet's lyrics for this song are almost completely off. It is possible the booklet contains the lyrics from a demo arrangement.
Copyright 2019 Piscean Entertainment in text, illustration, and site design. All lyrics and photographs copyright Bootsauce and Vertigo/Polygram unless otherwise indicated. Images and lyrics are reproduced here for non-profit informational purposes and are considered fair use. All rights reserved.